
Here are some picture of Calgary today. They are of the park where we were training. [Aikido Canada Calgary]

aikijp 11:48pm via HootSuite

 Here is the headquarters of Rakushinkan today. 冬雪さえて 今日の千葉 1月28日 | 10:30am, Jan 28 So-netブログから



RakushinCalgary Jan 30, 2:30pm

It's good!


RakushinCalgary Jan 30, 2:31pm via Web

@aikijp Did you enjoy the snow? Is it still there? or has the snow gone?



aikijp 11:43pm via HootSuite

I took up my son at Soga station by car.We enjoyed driving as if skiing.


aikijp 11:48pm via HootSuite

The snow and ice have gone almost today in Chiba.How about in Calgary?


RakushinCalgary 3:08am via Web

@aikijp Yes we had some snow and cold weather. But today it is getting warm so the snow is melting.



aikijp Feb 01, 8:02am via HootSuite

Please send me a photo Calgary today.Thank you.


RakushinCalgary Feb 4, 10:12am 


Here are some picture of Calgary today. They are of the park where we were training. As you can see, the fountains are off and there are no flowers.

The cold weather left on Friday. It has been mild since then so the snow is melting.
I am sure it will be cold again soon. Calgary is like that - very cold, then a chinook comes and the snow is melted.

Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013
Calgary in February-2013

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